Monday, December 13, 2010

How to stay with it and not QUIT!!!

These are tips I found to help stick with it!
1. Always exercise on Mondays; this help set you up to do it the rest of the week. Monday is the hardest day but its important you do it! 
2. Exercise in the morning; not only will it give you more energy for the day, but it is important to do it in the morning because as the day goes on it is easy to find excuses not to do it.
3. Don't skip exercising 2 days in a row; its ok to skip one day if you need to but make sure you do it the next day no matter what!
4: Give yourself credit
5: Dont set unrealistic goals, start off smaller.
6: Try to make working-out for fun; put some music on, dance while you clean, put some dance moves into your work-out. Everyone likes to dance!!
7: Find an out fit that you want to fit it to, maybe a bikini or some sexy undies or even those skinny jeans, put them some where you will see them everyday, hang them on a wall! Let them tell you to go and work-out!!
8: Have someone to help keep you motivated, a work-out buddy or someone to talk to (or a blog :D)
9: Write a contract to your self, put it somewhere you will see it.
Lets see if they work!! 

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